I had been googled almost a day to find out the answer. In case it is necessary in the future for my own use and someone might need, I decided to make a reference here as well as the original link link.
*** All credits have to go for the author, FurryNutz. ***
The following is his works
This is an example of settings using a Google email account:
SMPT server address: smtp.gmail.com
Server port: 465 or 587 (I used 587)
Sender e-mail address: Username@gmail.com
Receiver e-mail address: Username@gmail.com
User Name: Username@gmail.com
Password: Created an app password through 2-step verification - Steps Below
Checked: SSL-TLS (or, STARTTLS if SSL-TLS doesnt work or no SSL-TLS there)
Through g-mail settings, Enabled 2 step verification. Follow the instructions and you should receive a text code to enable 2 step. Then go into app passwords and created a password for "other" apps. Enter the 16 digit code into the password column then it should work. Walked back and forth in front of the camera a few times to make sure it e-mails are received.
First thing, the settings for sending must be correct.
The user name/password are what is used to log in to the NAS shares from a computer on the network.
For the port and SMTP Server see https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=en Although they mention printer etc. it is the same for the NAS.
The sender should be something to define the NAS (example: my.nas@myhome.com)
SMTP Auth - see the info in the above link.
Finally do a test send to check it is up and running.
Don't forget to save settings and also set what information you want to get from the NAS box.
The receiver is your gmail name@gmail.com
Windows Live/Hotmail
SMTP server address: smtp.live.com
SMTP user name: (Your complete Windows Live Hotmail email address ("me@hotmail.com" or "me@live.com" for instance) )
SMTP password: (Your Windows Live Hotmail password)
SMTP port: 587
SMTP Auth: TLS/SSL required: yes
Note: the port number is required for the SSL/TLS to work.